With the born of the Vert Sapin (liquor of Fir tree) in 1902, and the Pontarlier-Anis in 1921, it was usual to mix a little bit of the tree buds inside the anis, as a local cocktail.
Using the family recipe, François GUY launched the ready to drink version in 2014.
To consume like the Pontarlier-Anis, with addition of fresh water.
Advises : The quantity of water will be linked to the development of the taste of the fir tree at the end.
Some already tried to use it in cocktail, with success apparently.
Sapont 45° (Pontarlier-Anis à l'Ancienne/without sugar, Sirup of fir tree, Liqueur Vert Sapin and Infusion of fresh buds) : Only in liter.
Silver medal in the global competition of Paris 2016.